10 More Ways to Spend Your Time Efficiently
When we are doing a task, how many times do we hear ourselves or other people saying things like:
“I’ll continue with this task tomorrow.” And the task will end up being delayed to the night before the deadline.
“I’m just going to take a 5 minutes break!” And the 5 minutes break will become a whole day worth of break.
Giving yourself excuses to not do a task is an extremely toxic habit that you should drop immediately, and instead, start to make the most out of your time in your everyday lives.
1. Surround yourself with productive people.
The people you hang out with the most have the highest influence on you, that’s why over some time you’ll realize you do and think the same way as your friends. Similarly, to spend your time more efficiently, just be around people who use their time efficiently.
2. Don’t use an overly complicated organizing system.
Using a complicated system will take you even more time to be organized as it would take more work to keep things going. Keeping just a simple one, such as using just one planner as supposed to 3 different ones would highly boost your efficiency.
3. Know where you spend your time most productively at.
There are some places where you will be distracted no matter what, and there are places where you can finish all your tasks in the shortest amount of time. Once you identify where that place is, whenever you need to complete your task, just head there.
4. Listen to instrumental music while working.
Calm instrumental music will help create a serene atmosphere, in which you can think better, help you do your work faster, and so you get to spend your time more efficiently. As supposed to music with lyrics, they will get you even more confused, causing you to spend even more time.
5. Be around smart people.
Aside from having the brains, smart people are also very time efficient. If they have time, they would use it to work on their tasks or do things that improve themselves. Even if they do go out to hang out with their friends, they don’t overdo it.
6. Set small tasks that lead to your main task.
Having a picture of a huge task in your head can be stressful at some point, and you wouldn’t even know where to begin with. Instead, build the path little by little, create small tasks that will eventually lead to the main thing.
7. Get negativity out of your head.
For some reason, negativities have the power to distract you from whatever you are doing. For example, when you are doing your work and you suddenly think of an embarrassing moment a few years ago, that would completely stall your progress. So try to not get your head occupied with negativity.
8. Get some exercise in.
Making your body healthy and free of diseases is a key step for you to spend your time efficiently, as you have lesser you to be worried of. Plus, people who exercise has reported having a clearer mind and will be more energetic, that would make them work more efficiently.
9. Use your downtime wisely.
It is crucial to take breaks when working on your tasks, but this could also be a trap. Make sure you do not spend your downtime going through social media as they are a huge time killer. Using your downtime wisely, such as nourishing your body right or reading something inspiring will help boost your efficiency.
10. Stay positive.
Negativities come by us so easily and positivity not. But it is so important to always keep a positive mind-set no matter what. You could read inspiring quotes, or listening to calming songs, whatever keeps your positive vibes going.
So here are the 10 ways you could use your time more efficiently. These are just simple things that you could start right now, to keep your year going on right.