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10 Ways To Be A Confident Lady

Paige Faye

Image by Brooke Cagle (Unsplashed)

Even though people often say we need to be confident, but things are always easier said than done. There are always things in the way that obstruct us from trying to be more confident, whether it be how we look, what we wear, what we say, and many other things. However, wanting to be more confident is not an overnight thing. One cannot be more confident the next morning from a good sleep, it needs to be done gradually as you grow, thus you need to start making them your habits. Here are some of the habits you can incorporate into your life if you want to be more confident, as a woman.

1. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind.

We are often afraid of saying what’s on our mind, whether it would offend others, or people would judge us for what we say. But, if you are a follower forever and only take others’ words, you can never be more confident. You’re just going to let others step all over you and there’s nothing you can do about it. This is why you need to speak what’s on your mind, let others hear your voice, and have the power to control what you want in your life, instead of letting others define you.

2. Don’t be afraid of what others think.

We are all afraid of what others think of what we say, what we like, what we wear, and all things society judges us for. It is the constant need to be accepted by society that makes what others think of us our weakness. No matter what, we need to let go of being concerned about what others think of us and stop letting others define us. Go out there and wear what you like, do the things you like. People are still going to judge you no matter what, so don’t let those things getting in the way of your principal.

3. Dress what makes you feel confident.

Although there is a difference between dressing comfortable and confident, these two elements are what make a powerful statement. Dressing comfortably is about your physical state, whereas dressing confidently is more about mental health. Embrace your style only if it makes you feel like you can conquer the world. If you wear a fashionable piece that might make you feel confident in it but not comfortable, you’d only end up feeling sluggish later on.

4. Walk tall and straight, don’t slouch.

Posture shows a lot about a person. A person who has a slouchy, lazy posture would make leave a bad first impression already, whereas someone who walks tall and keeps their spine straight instantly sends off a good vibe and that the person is confident at who they are and what they do. It is very easy to get lazy and start to slouch and make your body in a comfortable position, so make sure you make it a habit to keep your body in a good posture before it turns into a habit you cannot mend.

5. Don’t take things personally.

There are people who are sensitive and people who are more open, and we are usually born with it, meaning that it might be difficult for one to change this habit. However, if you want to be more confident, you need to train yourself to be less sensitive to criticism. Everyone has their right to say what they want, whether it is true or not, and you’d most probably do not have the power to stop them. So don’t let a little negativity ruin your day or your life. You don’t need to argue with people when they pushed your buttons, just ignore them and move on with your life.

6. Be responsible for your own tasks.

Being confident is not just how your appearance looks like, but how you treat your life matters as well. Confident people are mature enough to know what they should do and how they treat it. Sure, when you encounter problems and need help, it is not a problem for you to look for people for assistance. However, for things that you should be responsible for, such as your bills, your job, and about yourself, no one but you is capable of completing these tasks.

7. Use open gestures.

Confident people walk tall and straight, wears comfortably and confidently, they are responsible for their lives, but one important trait is that they are open-minded and not proud at all. Although people who are proud seem confident, deep down they could be very insecure and not want anyone to exceed their “level” and not wanting to know what they are struggling with. Confident people, however, know that everyone is the same and would use open gestures to bond everyone together instead of segregating from each other.

8. Have an optimistic mindset.

More often than not, pessimists only ever think negatively because they are envious of others because others have things they don’t. Optimistic people, however, tend to focus on the good side of things and celebrate success with people instead of trying to push people down, and that is why confident people are optimists. They would not try to degrade others when they get envious, instead, they send them happiness and try to learn from them.

9. Have a healthy physique.

Confident people know that nothing is as important as keeping their bodies healthy. They focus a lot on eating the right food, keeping their body strong, and adopting healthy habits. They do not go through intense training or restrictive diet just to look skinny like how our society deems “beautiful”. They make healthy living a lifestyle, not a task, and certainly not a tool to stand out in society. They know that as long as they feel healthy and strong, and they confident and beautiful.

10. Be yourself forgivingly.

It can be quite a problem when we try to be ourselves in our society because in order to be “normal” you need to act a certain way, wear certain clothing and say a certain word. But why should we tie ourselves to being the copy of someone else? We should all embrace who we are because that’s what makes us special. Confident people know well if they are daring to be themselves and not afraid of what others say, they are already being the better versions of themselves.

Wanting to be confident can be something difficult, as it takes time and effort, and most important you need to work on both your mental and physical health. However, the journey of being more confident would be the best thing you’d ever work on yourself. You will learn to live life more meaningfully and your life would definitely be happier.

“Hey you. Yes, you. Stop being unhappy with yourself. You are perfect. Stop wishing you looked like someone else or wishing people liked you as much as they like someone else. Stop trying to get attention from those who hurt you. Stop hating your body, your face, your personality, and your quirks. Love them. Without those things you wouldn’t be you, and why would you want to be someone else? Be confident with who you are. Smile, it’ll draw people in. If anyone hates on you because you are happy with yourself then you stick your middle finger in the air and say screw it. My happiness will not depend on others anymore. I’m happy because I love who I am, I love my flaws, and I love my imperfections. They make me ‘me’, and being ‘me’ is amazing.”


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