10 Struggles Of Left-Handed People
There is only around 10 percent of the Earth’s population is left-handed, and though being left-handed makes us special and unique, there are downsides to it. There are things in our daily lives we left-handed people struggle with that our fellow right-handed friends do not. Here are some of the examples that we deemed unfair.
1. Writing in spiral notebooks.
The struggle begins when we are still in school. As much as we despise spiral notebooks, we still need to use them and to write down notes and homework. Although they do nothing to the rest of the population, for us, writing on a spiral notebook is equivalent to stepping on a small piece of Lego. Well not that much, but it is really uncomfortable.
2. When using the pen in banks.
The pens in banks or other public places, such as the post office or government places, are all designed for right-handed people. They are placed on the right side of the table because it is convenient for them. But for us, we have to either pull the pen all the way from the right side to write or facing a certain angle just so we can use the pen. Next time it’s probably better to just bring our own pens.
3. Using a can opener.
One of the biggest struggles of left-handed people would have to be the dreadful can opener. It’s like we either use our weaker hand to do the job, or we just give up on it and just move on to eating something else. It’s not that there isn’t a “left-handed can opener” invented, the only problem is that it is not available in most shops.
4. Smudging when writing with pens.
We can never write something without it looking like our pens exploded. To prevent such unfortunate things to happen we have to either lift our hand when writing or slowly lift and move our hand along the paper while we write. Even if we do try to prevent it, sometimes it still happens. Perhaps the best way to prevent this is not to use pens ever again.
5. Using a peeler.
Just when you think you are helping your mom for dinner, you suddenly see your worst nightmare come when your mom asked you to help peel the potatoes. The only way it works is if you peel the skin towards you, but at the same time, you have to risk accidentally peeling some part of your skin. Who knows helping your mom to cook could actually turn into a serious injury?
6. Using scissors.
Although scissors are not that much of a deal, and most scissors nowadays have an equal-sized handle, but some annoying anti-left-handed scissors still exist. You just want to cut some papers but then you would need to squeeze four of your fingers into the smaller hole and your thumb in the bigger one. Why not just tear the paper apart?
7. Most classroom desks.
Most colleges have these dreadful tables designed for right-handed people, and what happened to left-handed people? How are we supposed to take notes when there is no support for our writing arm? This should be an excuse for us left-handed people to pass the exams easier.
8. Bumping your arm with the person next to you.
Regardless of when you are writing or eating, you have to choose to sit at the side where your left-handed “monstrous” arm wouldn’t pick a fight with others. Who knows what might happen when we have to sit away from the center? Your friends might be talking about something interesting and all you can do is to watch them have fun.
9. Having ink on the side of your hand.
There’s never one time when we write and have a clean hand because whenever we write, we always get these inks stuck on the side of our writing hand. And whenever we even need extra effort to wash the ink off. With our technology nowadays, maybe we should all stop writing physically and just use electronics.
10. Someone asking you if you’re left-handed.
Perhaps the most annoying thing about being left-handed is when people ask if you are one. Honestly, how should you even reply to that person? Or do they not know which direction is left or right? Or are they expecting you to ask them to get away from you? People can be really irritating sometimes.
These are just some of the struggles left-handed people have to deal with on a daily basis. There are more of it which perhaps shouldn’t be told as these struggles are more than enough for us. Keep in mind that the descriptions for the points above are just for entertainment purposes and do not intend to offend anyone in any way.