11 Ways To Be Optimistic
Being optimistic doesn’t only make you more attractive to others, in fact, it has more benefits to yourself, regardless of your physical or mental health. If you practice being more optimistic, you will be able to see the goods in life, and you live a happier and healthier life. Here are things you can do to start living a more optimistic life.
1. Stop caring what others think of you.
Although most people only care for themselves, there are also people who think they are superior and often judge others by their appearance, their looks, their clothing, and things only shallow people care about. But honestly, why does their opinion even matter to you? If you are happy with the way you look, then it doesn’t matter what others think. In the end, you’ll realise the ones who are inferior are them, not you.
2. Be around optimistic people.
We are all humans, and we all get influenced by people around us easily. If you are constantly around people who gossip, competitive, or any negative traits, then you will turn into those negative people. If you want to live a happier life, be surrounded by happy people. Let their positive, inspiring, and motivating thoughts brighten your life.
3. Learn to let go.
Sometimes we are afraid of letting go, and that’s normal. It is a normal human reaction. We are just afraid we might repeat our mistakes and get hurt again. But it is crucial to know that letting go will free your mind from all the negative outcomes you might associate it with. If something or someone had hurt you in the past, just let it go. In the end, you’ll realise that it is not the wrong choices that ruined your life, but rather you not letting go.
4. Stop having high expectations.
Everyone has different expectations, but the key is to not have high expectations of things or people. If someone has failed you in the past, there is no point in wanting them to be better than who they are. It’s similar to things or people that are new to you. If you don’t have high expectations, then you are less likely to be disappointed. Be smart in controlling your emotions. Know what is worth it and whatnot.
5. Don’t depend your happiness on others.
Many people have done this mistake but did not realise it. No one will make you happy but yourself. If you are always pulling yourself down, and plus, you expect others to have the ability to cheer you up, then you are getting your life all wrong. We all want to protect ourselves from harm. So if you expect others to sacrifice themselves just to make you happy, then you are just being naïve.
6. Exercise.
Studies have shown that while exercising, your body is stressing out, so your brain will produce hormones that will compensate for the stress on your body. This will, in turn, make you feel happier and reduce your stress levels. This also explains why after working out, our head feels much lighter and we think more positively. Aside from getting more optimistic mentally, exercising helps our body to achieve a better shape, which will increase our confidence, which is crucial in being an optimist.
7. Do things you love every day.
There is no harm in doing things you love every day. And when people say they are busy, it’s just that they are not prioritising the things they love. If you start to do something you love every day, even if it’s just for 10 minutes, it will largely improve your life. It could be anything you like, such as painting, playing the piano, or watching TV. Doing these activities will boost your mood and in the long run, will make you more optimistic.
8. Be grateful for the things and people in your life.
Don’t we, as humans, always want more than what we have? We are always wanting more materialistic things or wanting more feedbacks on our social media posts (such as likes on our photos), or it can be anything. But if one could just slow down and look at all the things they own and be appreciative of it, life would be so much happier. The key is to focus on things that you have rather than things that you don’t have.
9. Laugh more.
Laughing is, of course, something an optimistic person does often. Of course, they don’t just laugh for no reason like a crazy person, but they find things or reason to laugh. It could be due to talking with their friends, or watching comedies they love, just things that will make them laugh without even realizing it. It is as people quoted: “laughing is the best medicine.”
10. Reduce social media time.
Social media seems like a thing most people escape to when they are bored, but little do they know, social media is extremely powerful in making people pessimistic. It is not to say that you should get rid of social media completely, but rather be smart in using it. When you are using social media, don’t focus on pictures of others and get envious. Instead, use it for things that will benefit you, such as looking at inspirational pictures, motivational articles, or healthy tips shared by others.
11. Stop trying to impress others.
Many people do this without realising. They get new shoes in trend their friends wear, they post only their good parts of their life on social media, they talk about certain things that others do, all those just so they could impress others and show others they are in a great place in their lives now. But as soon as they are alone and away from others, they get depressed and wonder why they have everything others have and are still not be happy. This is because they are doing things for others, not themselves. Optimists do things because they love it, not because their friends or family do.
With these tips, you could slowly implement them into your life, and in time you will become more optimistic, and your life would be healthier and happier.