12 Ways To Be A Strong Lady
Being a lady in our society can be a stressful thing at some time. We are expected to be independent, feminine, diligent, and all these expectations people have on us. And yet, there are times where we are even treated as inferior to men! But of course, there are also successful and powerful women who refused to be stereotyped and to live up to others' standards. These are the women that we as ladies should look up to and adopt the personality traits that they possess.
1. Stand up for yourself.
Being able to stand up for yourself is perhaps one of the most important things about being a strong lady. Many people think that girls are physically or mentally weaker, which makes us look like pushovers, but in fact, we girls can be stronger in all aspect than guys. Learning to stand up for your own ground and prove to others that you can be right, you can be successful, and you can be powerful is an important trait.
2. Do what you love.
It seems like being women we are limited to what we can do. For example, we cannot be physically strong because we must be feminine, or we cannot be a leader as we would be bossy, we must all use makeup and wear nice clothes or else others would judge us. But, are these all even reasonable? Why can’t we just do whatever we like and not be labeled with all these negatives traits? We should all be brave enough to do whatever we like, regardless of our careers, our appearance, our personality, even.
3. Don’t be a bandwagon.
Humans had been bandwagons their whole life. We are all afraid to be different and we ended up doing things everyone else is doing, just so we do not get judged for being unique. By doing this we are already defeated by the outside world, letting the society control and define us. This is definitely not what strong women do. They don’t follow the crowd, instead, they work according to their principle and do what they feel like is right, even it is different from what others are doing.
4. Be educated.
Being educated is not just about getting all straight A’s in your high school, and studying the most well-paid course in college and completing your masters as a top student. Sure, if you’re the smart kid who people are known as the “genius” it doesn’t mean it’s bad. However, don’t forget that while you are trying to get into top schools and getting a scholarship, possessing good behaviors is also considered as being well educated. And also, learning skills that are required in your daily lives, such as cooking skills, social skills, and even mechanic skills, even for a little bit, would make you more independent and strong.
5. Focus more on yourself.
Despite people saying how you shouldn’t be selfish and need to care more about others, you should make sure that you are in a good condition before focusing on others. It is always important to put yourself first before attending to others. To be strong doesn’t mean you need to look all macho, but the most important part is that you need to be emotionally strong. Make yourself happy, do things that you love, be kind to yourself, do whatever you need to make yourself the best you can be. If you had achieved that, then only you can put your focus on other people.
6. Be grateful for what you have.
We seem to not be able to be grateful for whatever we own. When we want something, it seems very valuable, but when we finally got it, it will lose all its value. This would lead us to not able to be satisfied with whatever we own. But to be a strong lady, you have to get this out of your system. Instead of focusing on its value, try to concentrate on how you get it. Think of how fortunate you are to have the money to own a certain something, when out there someone might be starving and homeless.
7. Don’t compare yourself to others.
Since young, our parents had already started comparing us to other kids. Why can’t we be as smart as someone? Why can’t we be more obedient, like the neighbor’s kid? It is no wonder that we all grew up into a person who seems to center our lives in comparison to others. However, if you want to be strong, you need to store comparing yourself to others. So what others are richer than you, or prettier, or have a lot of friends? The main point is that you are being your best self, and it is all that matters. Always aim to compare yourself to the person you were yesterday, not others.
8. Don’t depend your happiness on others.
Strong women are all happy because they know that only they can make themselves happy, not their friends, not their family, not even their lovers. If you make others responsible for your happiness, then you will never be happy. It is like they’ve become your weakness, and they have the power to make you feel vulnerable. It is important that you learn to be happy on your own, even if it takes time and effort. When you are able to happy on your own, only then you will understand the true meaning of happiness.
9. Stop caring what others think.
The hardest thing about being ourselves in our society is that people will talk and judge you, either in your face or behind your back. This sort of bullying would make people feel like they should give up on their principle and just be whatever others want them to be. The harsh truth is that people will think bad about you regardless how who you are. It is just for good to not care what people think and just do whatever you want. In the end, when you’ve succeeded in doing what you always wanted to, they might be the ones who need to pay respect to you.
10. Dress what you feel happy and confident in.
One of the most common things people judge us by is what we wear. People thought they can read us just by what we wear, such as our status, our wealth, our physique and so on. This cause a lot of people to be insecure of what they are wearing and as a person, and thus try to dress in what society say is appropriate. But strong women are rebels, and they refuse to follow the rules. They will dress in whatever they feel like wearing and makes them confidence. Because anyhow, whatever you wear, people would judge you anyway, so why not just ignore them all at once?
11. Don’t waste your money for the wrong reason.
As women, we all do love and want girly things, such as nice clothing, or luxurious purses, and so on. However, wanting them is one thing, buying them is another. We all have things we want, regardless of materialistic things, or successful goals, or a harmonious relationship, but if we keep on buying things for the wrong reason, such as wanting to impress people, it means you’ve become a victim of your own mind. Strong women only spend money on things if they serve a purpose in the long run, and not blindly to show others how rich they are.
12. Have confidence.
Last but certainly not least, having confidence is what all strong, powerful, successful women possess. To be confidence you need to have all the 11 traits shown above. It means you live by your principle, you are happy what who you are, and you are not afraid to stand out and be different. Lacking confidence would make a person lose a lot of great opportunities that could make them successful. Not just have, being a confident person would make you more endearing and attractive, and also make your life more worthwhile. Although it takes time, confidence can be achieved. All you need is some courage and time.
These are some traits that ladies who are strong possess. People often mistake that strong women are those who work as a leader in a company or dresses in formal and intimidating outfits, but to be a strong woman is more than that. It is not just your appearance or your career, but your characteristics matters as well, in fact, it is the most important thing to be strong.
To end this article, here is a quote about being a strong lady:
“Be a strong woman. So your daughter will have a role model and your son will know what to look for in a woman when he’s a man.”