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12 Ways To Enjoy Everyday Of Your Life

Paige Faye

Image by Noah Silliman (Unsplashed)

We are living in a fast-paced, busy lifestyle that many of us almost forgot to stop and enjoy our lives. We are so caught up with our jobs and responsibilities that they seem to have taken much of our time. However, it is not too late to realize that we all need breaks in our lives, to just slow down, forget about our jobs and stuff and just take the time to relax and have fun. Here are some things you can do to help make you enjoy your life just a bit more.

1. Be around people you love.

Whether it be your family, friends, or lover, being around people you love more would certainly make you a happier person, thus making you enjoy your life more. If you are too caught up with school or work, try to take a day off, the best choice being the weekends, and just take the time to hang out with your loved ones, spend some time talking, and being around each other. Even if it is just for a day, you will see much it would affect how you view your life.

2. Do things you truly enjoy.

Don’t waste your weekend on your responsibilities, you deserve a day or two off every week! Take the time to do things you truly enjoy doing. It can be working on recipes at home, or go hiking somewhere you’ve been wanting to, or just hanging out with your friends and update each other about your lives. Although you can’t do it every day, having just a day or two to do the things you like would make the moment more memorable, and you will find life more enjoyable.

3. Have goals and work towards them.

If your life is just to work to pay rent and buy food and those necessities to stay alive, try coming up with goals and work towards them. Say you really wanted to write a book, list down steps for you to achieve it. Work on it every day just for a short amount of time. In the long run, when you look back at the progress you’ve done to achieve what you wanted, you will feel more meaningful living your life, and that you will feel better about yourself.

4. Make a job out of what you love.

Try to think of things that you like to do, and try to sell yourself. Of course, you do not need to make a full-time job out of the things you like, having a small business or a small shop would suffice to keep your life feeling a little more enjoyable as you make what you like a way to increase income. Perhaps you like to make jewelry, you can try to make them and open an Instagram shop or sell them on Esty. Or maybe you love playing the piano, you can make videos of the songs you place and post them on YouTube. You never know if they would bring you income. Even if they bring you little money, they are still money, which is an excellent way to keep you motivated.

5. Increase your knowledge.

Knowledge is not just about the boring subjects you learned in school. There are so many things you can learn to increase your knowledge, regardless of researching online or reading books about the things you’re interested in. Keeping your mind open to gaining new knowledge is certainly a great way to make you more curious about the things you’re interested in. Maybe you are interested in the history of China, or you want to learn new languages! Give yourself a reason to explore more in life.

6. Spend your money wisely.

We are all so caught up with materialistic stuff, just so we can impress others, and even though we own many things, we often don’t find it satisfying. Perhaps it is time to stop wasting money on things that do not truly make you happy, instead, use the money on more meaningful things. Say use the money for traveling, or save up for a nicer house, whatever it is, just think of how it would affect you in a long time, like in 5 years.

7. Constantly be inspired.

Change the decorations in your room. Create a vision board. Watch movies that inspire you. Whatever you do, don’t stop getting inspired. When we lose inspiration to do things in life, it can get very dull, and life would start to lose its meaning. No matter what, live your life as if you are ready to conquer the world every day. Find ways to make you do things that keep you interested and motivated.

8. Make time for yourself.

We spend so much time in school or work every day, and sometimes after work, we even need to be around our family or friends. Regardless if you love being around people or not, it is still important that you are making time for yourself. Spend some time in a day where you are not surrounded by anyone at all. Try to be alone and go through deep contemplation. You might be able to grasp what you want to do or what you truly love. Whatever it is, make sure you are spending time alone positively.

9. Declutter your house.

Sometimes, it is not just your mind that is making you not being able to enjoy life, but your house, workspace, anywhere you spend a lot of time matters as well. Having a clean and simple space will also clear up the clutter in your head, and the lesser thoughts occupying your head, the less you stress, and thus it makes it easier for you to enjoy your life. It doesn’t mean that messy people who have a house full of things are unable to enjoy their life, it’s just that living in a non-cluttered place will make it easier to enjoy your life.

10. Exercise regularly.

To many people, exercising does not seem like something they would enjoy because the idea of moving and sweating is just not that attractive. However, making exercising, at least 4 days a week, would largely improve your quality of life. Not only will you be healthier, obviously, but you will start to see many activities that involve moving that will start to seem more fun. Plus, exercising does have positive effects on people’s brains, in terms of thinking skills, being more optimistic, and more.

11. Let go of the past.

One thing found in people who enjoy their lives a lot is that they are able to let go of the pass easily. They see their past mistake, experience, or event as either a lesson or a good memory, and they move on easily from that. On the other hand, people who hold grudges on every little thing and always talk about their sad past are people who find it the hardest to enjoy their lives. You need to realize that holding onto the past does not bring you any benefit. All it does is just making your life more miserable.

12. Be grateful for what you have.

Many people thought owning whatever they want in the world is something enjoyable, as money has always had a great influence on people. They think that owning designer handbags, or expensive shoes, or living in a mansion is enough to make them the happiest person in the world. Sure, being broke and homeless sure wouldn’t bring anyone happiness. But, if you have a comfortable but small house, a stable job, and a harmonious family, you honestly do not need materialistic to make you happy. Being thankful for the things you have to keep you alive to this day is more powerful than an expensive sports car.

These are some things you can do that will make your life more enjoyable. It is important to understand that it is not materials that will make you love your life more, but rather your mindset. If you are able to understand how you can enjoy living a simple life, believe me, your life is already so much better than many wealthy people who don’t appreciate what they have.

To end this article, here’s a quote about enjoying your life:

“Don’t wait for things to be perfect before you decide to start enjoying your life.”


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