15 Tips To Stay Organised In School
To excel in school or college or even university, it’s not all dependent on how well your grades are. Being an organized student plays a huge role as well. An organized student means you take responsibilities of your role as a student. Here are 15 ways you can stay organized in your studies, which would be highly beneficial in your life as it will help train you for your future when you enter your adulthood.
1. Get a planner.
Whether you do it digitally or manually, it is important to have somewhere to write down your classes, meetings, cancellation of classes, and all those things that you tend to forget. If you do not have a habit of using a planner, then you should really try it to improve your life overall.
2. Write down important dates.
Even if you really do not fancy using a planner, you could use a calendar as well, just somewhere to write down dates you need to take note of. Being a student is similar to being a working adult, you need to take note of dates of special events, curriculums, meetings, due dates, and many of the things.
3. Keep everything for one subject in one place.
It is important for students to know where their stuff is kept, and a good tip for it is to keep everything for a subject in one folder, binder, or a file. This could save you so much time to find something especially when you need it urgently.
4. Keep a to-do list.
Although to-do lists don’t seem like the most effective thing, there is something very important to know about making them: you need to WRITE them down. If you always write your lists on your phone, it is less likely for you to do it. But if you do it manually, your brain will remember that you’ve written something important and therefore will urge you to do it.
5. Have separate folders for different subjects.
It is not to say that keeping all subjects in a folder is wrong. If it works for you, then you can do it. The only problem is that if you have only one subject for a day, bring that huge folder with all your notes in it is totally unnecessary, and plus it’ll only make it more difficult for you to carry around.
6. Don’t be a perfectionist.
Being a student can be very competitive, nevertheless in studies, projects, presentations or things like that. If you prefer to be a perfectionist in your studies, then it’s your choice. But in terms of organization, being a perfectionist is not only a huge time killer, it can even ruin your organizing system! Being organized is just something for you to go on track smoothly, not to showcase to others.
7. Plan your outfits ahead of time.
Being a college student, there is no denying that we spend so much time planning what to wear in the morning. But this could be changed. Just spend some time during the weekend to plan out what you are wearing for the coming week, and this could save you a whole lot of time in the morning for school days.
8. Pack your things the night before.
As our timetable changes every day, we need to pack our bags every day as well. To save more time in the morning and to get more sleep, you could simply pack your bags the night before. It is actually less likely for you to forget something if you pack it at night than in the morning.
9. Keep your study area tidy.
Keeping your study area, whether it be your desk, a couch, your bed, wherever, if you are facing a messy pile of stuff, you are less likely to be in the mood for doing your work. Having a tidy area not only makes you think better, but it also acts as a motivation for you to get your work done.
10. Use your phone to set reminders.
If you tend to be forgetful, setting reminders would probably be the best way for you to stay on track with your tasks, so what’s better than having something you bring around everywhere, such as your phone, as your reminder? Having such great technology, why not make full use of it?
11. Minimize things.
The lesser things you have, the more organized you’ll be because you wouldn’t be drowned in the excess things that are most probably unnecessary. With technologies nowadays, things can be minimalized much easier! You don’t need to print so many notes; you don’t need too much stationery; you don’t need to use too many colours!
12. Set study schedule.
Although it seems like it is not necessary, having a study schedule is in fact a great way to organize your time for studying. If you have a study schedule, you will be able to plan out sufficient time for each subject. This could make you procrastinate less as well.
13. Keep your computer files organized.
Similar to keeping your study area and papers organized, keeping your computer files organized is equally important. Just like trying to find your notes, having keep the files on your computer tidy will save you lots of time.
14. Set budgets.
Splurging is such an easy thing, that everyone does it without even realizing, until when they had too much. Learning to spend your money wisely is the student's responsibility. And of course, one of the ways to do it is to set a budget. Get your income, expense, and savings written down so the next time you spend money you’ll be wiser.
15. Wake up early.
As students, one of the worst things that can happen in a school day is being late to class. Make it a habit to wake up early. Not only can you get to class in time, but waking up early also gives you more time to do your things, that way you can stay more organizing and not procrastinating.
These are the 15 ways you can stay organise in school, and if you start adopting these tips, they will definitely make your school life pass by easier, nonetheless, if you’re in high school, college or university!