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8 Things That Will Happen To You If You Drink Only Water For A Month

Paige Faye

Image by Manki Kim (Unsplashed)

The healthiest things in our lives are always the things we take for granted and do not use enough, such as our sleep, the air, and even water. Despite being free and easily accessible, people nowadays still do not seem to drink enough water. Perhaps it is due to the fact that it doesn’t have much taste, but still, nothing is comparable to water, not even fruit juice or green juice! Here is a challenge: try to drink nothing else but water. Change up all the soft drinks, juices, smoothies, coffee or tea, all things into water. Do it for a month and soon you won’t be craving any other drinks but water.

1. More energetic.

Because water does not contain sugar, artificial sweetener, or any kind of additional ingredients, they do not leave you feeling tired, which is the side effect of drinking beverages with artificial things. Sure, they might give you a boost of energy for a short time, but in the long term, they will lead to fatigue even more often. Plus, beverages with adding will only make you gain weight, which will cause you to be even lazier.

2. Better metabolism.

Our metabolism is not just determined by genetics and our physical activity, but also our diet. Consuming more water would improve our metabolism as our body runs on approximately 60% water, meaning we need more body to improve the functionality of our body. Sure, other beverages do contain water as well, but they also contain all the sugar and artificial stuff, which in turn could do more harm than good to our metabolism.

3. Stronger bones.

The muscles of our body repair on their own when we are sleeping. This process requires a lot of oxygen that we do not feel, as we are already deep in our sleep. However, aside from breathing, water does contain oxygen as well. Consuming more water means that the repairing process can speed up and thus, our bones can repair in a shorter amount of time, making us stronger. Of course, we do use our muscles in our day-to-day lives, and being hydrated enough, we are able to function a lot more easily.

4. Stronger heart.

Being more hydrated will thicken out our blood, causing more blood to pump through our heart and all over our body. As being hydrated means that we are working our heart more, our heart will have stronger muscles, which means our heart is able to function better. Aside from this, there is even a study that shows that drinking a glass of water before you sleep reduces to chances of getting a heart attack by 41%!

5. Boost your mental thinking.

Not drinking water would not only lead to dehydration, but it can also cause fatigue as well, which is detrimental to our mental thinking. It causes us to lose focus, become moodier, and even increase the chances of us having a headache! This is why making sure to drink more water is crucial, not just to our physical health, but also to our thinking.

6. Look more youthful.

Water is known to have skin-beautifying abilities. Staying hydrated can keep your skin more smooth, free of acne, and looking shinier, which would make you look more youthful. Staying hydrated is also associated with our under-eye circles, the elasticity of our skin, and the condition of our lips. So if you do not want to drink water for your body, at least do it for your beautiful skin.

7. Better sleep.

Sleep is crucial, and so is staying hydrated. If do not drink enough water, will we get dry throats that would lead to an uncomfortable sleep. Aside from that, our body would not be able to function that well if we are dehydrated, and might even cause our body to be sore and in pain! Plus, other beverages have sugar in them and would cause one to be unable to sleep at night, so it is best to just have water as supposed to any other energy drinks.

8. Lose weight.

There are so many reasons why water helps us to lose weight. Water is calorie-free, that’s why drinking a lot of it would not add up to our calorie intake. Plus, water will fill up our appetite. This is why when we drank a whole lot of water, we tend to eat lesser, as the water fills up a big portion of our stomach. Also, water helps to speed up the process of breaking down food, increasing our metabolism, hence helping us lose weight easier and faster.

These are just some of the things that will happen to your body if drink water for a month. There are still a lot more health benefits, but these are just some of the more important part of it. Of course, if you drink only water but still continued eating unhealthy junk food, you might not see any difference. But if you do clear up your diet as well, and just drinking water, you will see great results!

To end this article, here is a quote about healthy living:

“A healthy outside starts from the inside.”

*Disclaimer: The writer is not a trainer, bodybuilder, or any health expert. The information given is all dependent on the research she had done and is considered to be appropriate to be up on this list. Do whatever you know best works for you, as you know yourself the best. Feel free to take the information you want and leave what you don’t. The writer would not be responsible for any medical issues that would happen due to the extracted information was shown.


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