8 Tips To Figure And Plan Out Your Dream Life
There are times in our lives when we feel like whatever we are doing in life is boring, meaningless, and that we are living for nothing. But deep down inside, everyone has a dream life that they wish they can achieve one day. A life where they are happy with what they are doing and is living their life to the fullest. If you are feeling like your life is feeling too bland and dull, try using these methods to figure out your dream life.
1. Use a vision board.
Having a physical to-do list will help you do your work more efficiently, the same goes for working on your dreams. If you have a vision board in your room that you can look at every day, you are more motivated to work towards it rather than procrastinating and thinking what you want in your dream life will never come true.
2. Write down a list of things you want in 5 years.
If you couldn’t come up what with you want in your dream life, try envisioning yourself in 5 years. Where would you be? What is your job? Who are you living with? Try picturing scenarios that you are happy being in. For example, say you want to be a writer but you are currently an office worker, try to picture how your life would be as a writer instead of your current job.
3. Think of what you like as a child.
When we were young, we do whatever we love because we were not influenced by people around us and there are not affected by whatever happening around us. But as we grew up, everything around us changed us, whether it is our studies, our jobs, our friends or even our families. If you have trouble trying to figure out what your dream life is like, then think of the things you love as a child. You’ll be surprised at what you really enjoy doing.
4. Meditate.
In our daily lives, our thoughts are rarely consistent. What we believed a month ago might not be the same as today. This is all caused by the things that surrounded us on a daily basis, not just the people around us, but the media and social media play a huge role in shaping our beliefs as well. If you take some time in a day to just let your head be quiet and meditate, you’ll be surprised at how helpful and healthy that is for your thinking.
5. Know who your role models are.
Whether your role models are your parents, your mentors, your teachers, or anyone, there is a reason why you felt the need to follow their thoughts and perhaps their way of living. Role models are your leader in shaping your life. If you are lost as to what you want in your dream life, just look at what your models believe in and how they live their lifestyle. It would take time and effort to get there, but at least you get an idea.
6. Give yourself time alone.
Often times when we feel like we want to do something, for example, start a guitar class, we find ourselves getting less motivated as time pass. If this has happened to you, then it means that it is not what you want to achieve for yourself, but rather what others told us that we assumed to be true. Perhaps others told us that if you learned guitar, you could become a teacher and it could be your job, or how being talented will make you a great person, but if you really want to learn it, you need to know if you yourself really like it in the long run.
7. Write letters to your future self.
This might seem like a silly thing to do, but it could be useful. Ask your future self what have you achieved, or who are you with now, or how happy are you at that state. This will motivate you to start working on your dream life, and in the future when you read the letters, you can reflect on your life and think of the hard work you made to achieve your goals.
8. Journaling.
Many people assume journaling is simply writing a long entry in a book, and it might seem boring to many people. But the truth is, journaling is not just that. There are so many ways you could journal, you could draw, create a scrapbook, and if you want to be more environmentally friendly, you could also write on your computer. Just dump all your ideas and thoughts onto a journal, and you will have a record of them all.
Here are some ways to get started on figuring and planning out your dream life. Don’t just live a boring, meaningless life. Do something that will make you love living!