8 Workouts That Will Tone Your Abs
Having toned abs is what everyone dreams of. Of course, with tone abs, you will look so much more attractive, but a more important fact about having toned abs means that you are healthy. Belly fat is one of the most dangerous kinds of fats on our bodies, so it is important to ensure to maintain a healthy waistline not just for the appearance but for your health as well. Although you cannot get rid of belly fat entirely by spot reducing, which is the exercise that is mentioned below but adding these exercises alongside your daily cardio workout will be highly beneficial for you. These exercises can be performed 3 days a week, so leave the other days for toning other parts of your body.
**Disclaimer: I am not an expert in bodybuilding or any health expert, but I believe that these few exercises are great for toning your body and are suitable for people with a generally healthy body and physique.
How to perform the exercises:
1. Arrange the exercise to your sequence.
2. Do the first exercise for 30-45 seconds, rest for 10 seconds.
3. Repeat the same process with the following moves.
5. After the workout, do some stretches to relax your muscles.
1. Plank
Place your elbows and toes on the floor, using your whole body strength to lift your body above the ground. Make sure your back is in a straight position and you are not sagging your back and butt. Make sure you are not holding your breath in. To make this more difficult, try to hold your plank for a longer time.
2. Russian Twist
Sit on a half sit-up position with your feet on the floor, hold your hands together, and twist your torso from to left and right. Make sure to engage your core while holding your position, and remember not to hold your breath in. To make this more difficult, you can lift your feet above the ground, and you can also hold some weights.
3. Crunches
Lie on your back with bent knees. Place your hands on the back of your head and use your core to lift your upper body up. Make sure you are lifting your upper body as a whole and not just your head, as this will cause neck pain. Do not hold your breath in
4. Leg Lifts
Lie flat on the ground. Begin by lifting both your feet up until they are 90-degree from the ground. Use your core and leg muscle to slowly lower both your legs until they are hovering just slightly above the ground, and then lift them back up. Do not hold your breath in. To make this more difficult, you can hold the back of your head with your hand and lift your upper body above ground. To make this easier, you can also bend your legs.
5. Pull Ins
Sit on the ground with bent knees, lift them above ground. Place your hands right behind your butt for balance. Extend your legs out straight while lowering your upper body, then squeeze your core and bend your knees back to the original position. Remember not to hold your breath. To make this more difficult, you can extend your arms towards your legs, this will require more core strength to keep you balanced.
6. Mountain Climber
Get in a high plank position with your palms on the ground. Squeeze one knee towards your chest, and back to a high plank. Repeat with another side. Use your core muscle to keep your body in position, make sure your body is not sagging. Do not hold your breath in. You can make this more of a cardio move by jumping as your switch knees.
7. Flutter Kicks
Lie flat on the ground, and begin by lifting both legs off the ground to 45-degree angle from the ground. Kick on leg up and switch side, as if you are swimming. Make sure you are not holding your breath. If you want to make this more challenging, you can lower your legs closer to the ground, and for an easier version lift them higher. If your lower back is arching, you can place your hands on your butt.
8. Bridge
Lie on the ground with bent knees. Lift your butt upwards, and as your lower, try to keep it hovering above the ground. Repeat this motion, remember to squeeze your butt as you are doing this exercise. Remember not to hold your breath.
Getting a healthy toned body does not happen overnight. With some patience, dedication, and hard work, eventually, you will be able to see results in your belly area, and you will feel healthier than ever.